Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Moleskine Passion Book Series

Moleskine notebooks are reaaallly expensive. Actually any paper products that are over $5 of my budget will be a no-no for me, because it will be a bye-bye to my salary and a hello to the unnecessary spendings chamber. But Moleskine notebooks are so attention grabbing! It's the perfect combination of style and quality. It's a subtle attention grabbing object don't you think? Imagine taking out your Moleskine journal from your bag instead of a two-dollar notebook and everyone around you goes "wah...... ATAS eh...". Hahs!

I think the Moleskine Passion Book Series is a great extension of the Moleskine product line, because cooking mums will die to put their precious recipes in a quality product. Others include Book, Film, Wellness and Wine Journals that are craft out for specific people who needs to jot down golden thoughts on quality.

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